The effectiveness of UAVs is no longer in question, their small size, speed of deployment and quality of deliverables make them indispensable in many fields. The aquatic environment is not left out thanks to ROV underwater, aquatic drones allowing to intervene in under dangerous or difficult to access environments.
Their versatility allows them to intervene in many fields such as construction, defense, ports and many others.
Areas of intervention:

Construction and civil engineering
Due to the action of water on the submerged elements of the works, important degradations can lead to a loss of efficiency or a major risk.
The ROV allows to help the operation managers in the missions of maintenance or upkeep.

Defense and security
Threats can come from all directions both on land and at sea.
The use of ROVs in conjunction with ground and aerial drones allows for omnidirectional surveillance, reducing the risk factor of personnel exposure.

Port areas and vessels
Ports are points of entry into the territory and require constant surveillance by customs authorities. Vessels are frequently used for the transport of illegal goods.
The ROV allows them to control the submerged parts of ships and harbors, which represents a significant asset in the fight against crime.

Sea Rescue
To facilitate and make more efficient the mission of scuba divers, the ROV is a tool to analyze and evaluate precisely the actions to be taken before the intervention of rescue teams at sea while ensuring the safety of the personnel.

Offshore environment and marine energy
ROVs are valuable tools for the oil and offshore sector because without replacing divers for heavy tasks, they can optimize and facilitate simple tasks such as retrieving objects, cutting tangled wires or measuring cracks. All this allows divers to work in better conditions.

The inspection of nuclear power plants is a main element of the safety of these structures. In particular, the cooling circuits are fed by rivers through pipes that are sometimes narrow or difficult to access.
The size and maneuverability of ROVs allow them to intervene and perform the inspection tasks necessary for maintenance.

ROVs are very useful tools for aquaculture because they can monitor the cleanliness of the pens and the health of the fish and thus save money while effectively supervising its operation.

Marine Science
Research centers need a large amount of data that sometimes requires going to depths that are difficult for humans to access.
The use of an ROV simplifies data collection and behavioral observation of certain species living in inaccessible environments.
You can also benefit from a tenfold efficiency and a lower risk factor for your interventions in underwater environment by calling us for a quote or by contacting us directly at +33(0)6 64 94 96 32.